Work With Professional White Paper Writers

Create powerful white papers that educate potential customers and capture leads. Build credibility and trust with new visitors.


Choose between our marketplace or leverage our managed services to access a roster of over 6,000 professional writers.

White Papers that Build Authority

White Papers - An Important Part of Your Content Marketing Mix

It’s critical to have exceptional content for your prospective customers at every stage of their buying journey. Different types of content are more useful at different stages of someone’s journey. White papers are great resources for prospects a little further along in their journey who need to get a lot more detailed info to inform their decision. With our industry expert white paper writers, you can be the source your prospects turn to in order to help them make their decision while at the same time educating them about your product or service.

White papers are great resources for prospects a little further along in their journey who need to get a lot more detailed info to inform their decision.

With our industry expert white paper writers, you can be the source your prospects turn to in order to help them make their decision while at the same time educating them about your product or service.


White Paper Writing Services You Can Count On

100% Unique

Our technology leverages powerful plagiarism detection software, and all writers are experts in proper citations.


Our white paper writers are proven top performers who will deliver high-quality content you'll love. Guaranteed.

Ready to Promote

Ask your writer to include your contact info, calls to action and links to other resources so you can start sharing and gathering leads right away.

Promotional Support

Your writer can include social and email campaigns with your white paper, so you receive a ready to deploy white paper campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most of our writers focus on creating non-fiction content for their clients.

Once you’ve paid for your completed content all rights transfer to you and you are free to use the content however you like.

Our prices start at 5 cents per word and go up based on the quality and expertise you need. For most digital marketers, these rates offer substantial cost savings to doing the work themselves. And, you get copy from an experienced writer who spends their entire day writing.

We offer several ways to do this. You can search our roster of over 6,000 writers based on experience and ability. Or, you could set up a casting call to invite qualified writers to message you with a custom pitch and relevant samples.

Our copywriters focus on both conversion and SEO. That means they write copy that will help nudge your buyers in the direction you want, while still seamlessly integrating keywords and covering key topics. You can easily specify your SEO instructions with our easy-to-use order form.